Artificial Intelligence

News on developments in artificial intelligence and its use in global industries.

Using insect navigation to make robots

Robots that mimic insect navigation

Engineers are designing robots that mimic insect navigation behaviors. Insects can navigate extremely well, even though they have tiny brains. Scientists from the University...

AI assistants Cortana and Alexa collaborating for first time

Microsoft has announced a "first-of-its-kind collaboration” with Amazon between its voice-enabled virtual assistant Cortana and Amazon’s AI assistant Alexa. The collaboration means that Cortana will...
Terminator Robot

AI experts urge UN to prevent development of “killer robots”

Artificial intelligence experts, including Elon Musk, have sent a letter to the UN urging the organisation to prevent the development and use of “killer...
robotics and AI - robotic spider - Forth and UoMrobotics

Robotics and AI development in UK to get government cash

The United Kingdom government have announced a multimillion pound funding package to spur research and development in robotics and AI. The package is part of...

Google’s AlphaGo AI defeats the world’s best Go player

Google’s DeepMind AlphaGo artificial intelligence (AI) managed to beat the world’s top Go player Ke Jei. The AI agent defeated Jei in a three-part match...
Resurrection using AI

AI program wins another poker tournament against human players

An AI system called Lengpudashi just beat a team of six poker players in a five-day competition in China. The AI system won the tournament and $290,000...

Sony will place VR headsets at entertainment facilities to promote sales

Sony announced that it will be pushing the PlayStation VR for commercial purposes as part of an effort to improve the slower-than-expected sales of...
Artificial Intelligence grant received by Harvard

AI forecast to play a more important role in the way banks interact with...

Artificial intelligence (AI) is forecast to play a more important role in the way banks interact with their customers, according to a report by...
Elon Musk

Elon Musk launches new company Neuralink for development of “neural lace” technology

Elon Musk has launched a new company called Neuralink for the development of "neural lace" technology. Neural lace technology seeks to augment human intelligence by...

Automation will affect one third of UK jobs by the 2030s, PwC report

The impact of automation (AI and robotics) on UK workers has been assessed by accountancy firm PwC. According to the report, almost one third of...