
People's Bank of China

China cuts rates, less profitability for lenders

The Chinese central bank unexpectedly cut rates on Friday, reducing the benchmark lending rate by 0.4 percent down to 5.6 percent, and lowering its...
Senator Mathias Cormann

Medibank flotation $5.7bn proceeds to be invested in infrastructure

The flotation of Medibank, Australia’s biggest private health insurance company, will earn the Government $5.679 billion. Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said the proceeds will...

Offshore yuan center being created in California, says ICBC

Los Angeles signed an agreement with China's Industrial and Commercial Bank (ICBC) to create an offshore yuan center in California as a means of...
JBS Primo Acquisition

Brazil’s JBS buys Australia’s Primo Smallgoods for $1.45bn

The world’s largest food-processing company, JBS S.A., is buying the southern hemisphere’s largest producer of ham, bacon and *smallgoods, Primo Smallgoods, for $1.45 billion. *Smallgoods”...
Federal Reserve

Fed to tighten commodities rules for Wall Street banks

The Federal Reserve is planning on making it more difficult for Wall Street banks to place large bets in the commodities markets, according to...
Stock markets up

Eurozone and China central banks move to boost economic growth

The European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) and the People’s Bank of China’s moves to boost economic growth on Friday pushed up stocks across the globe,...
Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX up 50.14 points on Friday hitting a near 2-month record

The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) reached its highest level in almost two months on Friday with resource companies and commodity prices rising strongly amid...

Sky shareholder mutiny over remuneration report

Sky, the pay-TV giant, faced an independent shareholder mutiny with 55% of them not supporting the company’s remuneration report. UK advisory group Pirc and...
Ontario and Quebec

Quebec and Ontario sign agreements to fight climate change

Quebec and Ontario signed a number of agreements aimed at co-operating on climate change, energy projects, trade and the sale of alcohol. While not...
Chewing bum infested pavements

Chewing gum street clean-up should be funded by manufacturers, says LGA

Britain’s streets are plagued with discarded chewing gum. Cleaning it up should be partly-funded by chewing gum manufacturers, the Local Government Association (LGA), which...