
Churchil Polar Bear Marathon logo

Churchill Polar Bear Marathon sees runners and bears close together

The Churchill Polar Bear Marathon 2015 saw runners and polar bears close together in spectacular photographs taken by Keith MacDougall, who took advantage of...
Huge dark matter concentration found in dwarf galaxy

Huge dark matter concentration in nearby dwarf galaxy discovered

A huge dark matter concentration has been discovered in a nearby dwarf galaxy called Triangulum II. Dark matter is estimated to outnumber regular (visible)...
spiders in Memphis

Spiders infest Memphis homes creating half mile long web

Millions of spiders have infested homes in Memphis, Tennessee, and created a web that stretches for about half a mile. This must be the...
Prince charles urging climate change action

Syrian war linked to climate change drought, says Prince Charles

The Syrian war is linked to climate change which triggered the devastating drought that hit the country from 2006 to 2009, said Prince Charles in...
Apple Inc., logo

Apple wins major legal battle over DRM-related patent infringement

Apple just won a major legal battle against ContentGuard Holdings over DRM-related patent infringement. The California-based tech giant won the lawsuit on Friday, Nov. 20. ContentGuard...
Christmas -

Most Christmas thank you messages are sent digitally or in person, UK

Most people in the UK will be either sending Christmas thank you letters digitally or in person rather than by post, according to a...

Tips on how drivers can avoid accidents with deer, IAM

Tips on how drivers in the UK can avoid accidents with deer have been issued by Britain’s largest independent road safety charity the Institute...
Paris Climate Change Conference 2015

Paris climate change summit in a city in a state of emergency

The Paris climate change summit will take place from November 30th to December 11th in a city which is reeling from the November 13th...

Roses can produce electricity if photosynthesis is harnessed properly

Imagine a world where roses can produce electricity by harnessing photosynthesis to drive our cars, heat our homes, and move our industrial machines. This...
Cose up of UFO

UFO spotted in Scott Kelly picture over India

UFO enthusiasts are convinced that a stunning picture taken by astronaut Scott Kelly from the International Space Station over India shows an unidentified flying...