Eurozone economic index up 0.1% in February
The Eurozone economic index for February increased by 0.1% to 111.1, after rising by 1.4% in January and 0.3% in December, according to the...
Facebook Oculus takeover deal worth $2 billion announced
A Facebook Oculus VR takeover deal worth $2 billion has been announced by the two companies. Oculus VR owns Oculus Rift, a promising virtual...
London becomes Chinese currency dealing hub
London is to become a Chinese currency dealing hub, the People’s Bank of China and the Bank of England announced today after agreeing on...
Will US natural gas destroy Russia’s dominance?
Many economists, political scientists and lawmakers believe US natural gas could smash Russia’s energy dominance in Europe, and seriously undermine its ability to bully...
March 2014 consumer confidence rebound, US
The Conference Board has registered a March consumer confidence rebound in the US after declining in February. The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index for...
Russian capital flight warning
A Russian capital flight warning has been issued by several analysts as well as the country’s deputy economy minister, Andrei Klepach, who also said...
German economic growth slows, but still growing
German economic growth in the private sector slowed down in March, according to the Markit Flash Germany Composite Output Index, which came it at...
March Eurozone growth sustained but slower
March Eurozone growth continues the bloc’s strongest period of GDP expansion since the first half of 2011. While March’s PMI (Markit Purchasing Managers Index)...
French business growth registered in March
French business grew in March; private firms registered their fastest pace of expansion in 30 months, reversing predictions of further GDP shrinkage. A preliminary...
Income inequality could worsen globally
Global income inequality could get worse, as well as social divisions, says a new OECD report. The authors warn that the problems could become...